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kadena wallet

Use kadena wallet to add, manage, and fund onchain accounts with fungible tokens, for example, by transferring coin.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet command is:

kadena wallet <action> [arguments] [flags]
kadena wallet <action> [arguments] [flags]


Use the following actions to specify the operation you want to perform.

Use this actionTo do this
addAdd a new local wallet.
importImport or restore a wallet from its 12-word secret phrase.
generate-keyGenerate a new random public and secret key pair for your wallet from its existing secret phrase.
change-passwordUpdate the password for your wallet.
deleteDelete an existing wallet from the local filesystem.
listList wallet information.


You can use the following optional flags with kadena wallet commands.

Use this flagTo do this
-h, --helpDisplay usage information.
-q, --quietEliminate interactive prompts and confirmations to enable automation of tasks.
-V, --versionDisplay version information.
--jsonFormat command results sent to standard output (stdout) using JSON format.
--yamlFormat command results sent to standard output (stdout) using YAML format.

kadena wallet add

Use kadena wallet add to add a new local wallet to the filesystem.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet add command is:

kadena wallet add [arguments] [flags]
kadena wallet add [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet add command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.
--password-file passwordFileSpecify the path to a file that stores the password for your wallet. If you don't have the password stored in a text file, you can enter it as standard input.
-l, --legacyGenerate a legacy wallet using the ED25519 signature scheme to be compatible with Chainweaver.
-a, --create-accountCreate an account using the first wallet key. Enter true to create an account using the first public key from the wallet.
Enter false to skip account creation.
-l, --account-alias accountAliasSpecify an account alias to store your account details.


To add a wallet interactively, run the following command:

kadena wallet add
kadena wallet add

This command prompts you to enter the wallet name and password, and, optionally, to create a new account using the public key from the wallet. For example:

? Enter your wallet name: sf-wallet? Enter the new wallet password:? Not using a password will store your wallet unencrypted. Are you sure? (y/n): n? Enter the new wallet password: ********? Re-enter the password: ********? Create an account using the first wallet key? Yes? Enter an alias for an account: sf-account
? Enter your wallet name: sf-wallet? Enter the new wallet password:? Not using a password will store your wallet unencrypted. Are you sure? (y/n): n? Enter the new wallet password: ********? Re-enter the password: ********? Create an account using the first wallet key? Yes? Enter an alias for an account: sf-account

To add a wallet using a password file instead of standard input (stdin), you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet add --wallet-name=sf-wallet --password-file=my-pwd
kadena wallet add --wallet-name=sf-wallet --password-file=my-pwd

This command prompts you to specify whether you want to create a new account using the public key from the wallet. If you select No, the command displays wallet information similar to the following:

====================================================== 🚨 IMPORTANT: Mnemonic Phrase 🚨 ======================================================Mnemonic Phrase:provide act country elbow unhappy rigid have letter pluck fame thank abandon Please store the mnemonic phrase in a SAFE and SECURE place. This phrase is the KEY to recover your wallet. Losing it means losing access to your assets. ==================================================== First keypair generatedpublicKey: f4ebafe19bc0f02c53ca78cbfc5ef33de0019c9971a56eaf00e0149e8c2db307 Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml  Executed:kadena wallet add --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --password-file="my-pwd" --create-account="false" 
====================================================== 🚨 IMPORTANT: Mnemonic Phrase 🚨 ======================================================Mnemonic Phrase:provide act country elbow unhappy rigid have letter pluck fame thank abandon Please store the mnemonic phrase in a SAFE and SECURE place. This phrase is the KEY to recover your wallet. Losing it means losing access to your assets. ==================================================== First keypair generatedpublicKey: f4ebafe19bc0f02c53ca78cbfc5ef33de0019c9971a56eaf00e0149e8c2db307 Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml  Executed:kadena wallet add --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --password-file="my-pwd" --create-account="false" 

To create a new wallet and an account without interactive prompting, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet add --wallet-name=sf-wallet --password-file=my-pwd --create-account=true --account-alias=sf-dev-account
kadena wallet add --wallet-name=sf-wallet --password-file=my-pwd --create-account=true --account-alias=sf-dev-account

kadena wallet import

Use kadena wallet import to import or restore a local wallet using an existing 12-word mnemonic phrase.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet import command is:

kadena wallet import [arguments] [flags]
kadena wallet import [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet import command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-m, --mnemonic-file mnemonicFileSpecify the path to a file that stores your 12-word mnemonic phrase file used to generate keys for your wallet. If you don't have the mnemonic phrase stored in a text file, you can enter the 12-word phrase as standard input.
--password-file passwordFileSpecify the path to a file that stores the password for your wallet. If you don't have the password stored in a text file, you can enter it as standard input.
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.
-l, --legacyUse the ED25519 signature scheme to generate keys from the mnemonic phrase so that the wallet is compatible with Chainweaver.


To import a wallet interactively, run the following command:

kadena wallet import
kadena wallet import

This command prompts you to enter the 12-word mnemonic phrase, wallet name, and password as standard input.

To import a Chainweaver wallet using a password stored in a text file, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet import --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --password-file="my-cw-pwd.txt" --legacy 
kadena wallet import --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --password-file="my-cw-pwd.txt" --legacy 

This command prompts you to enter the 12-word mnemonic phrase, then imports the wallet with a conformation similar to the following:

 Wallet imported successfully ====================================================== 🚨 IMPORTANT: Mnemonic Phrase 🚨 ======================================================Mnemonic Phrase:recall skirt derive occur mad system camera fringe mom list company search Please store the mnemonic phrase in a SAFE and SECURE place. This phrase is the KEY to recover your wallet. Losing it means losing access to your assets. ==================================================== Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/chainweaver-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet import --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --password-file="my-cw-pwd.txt" --legacy 
 Wallet imported successfully ====================================================== 🚨 IMPORTANT: Mnemonic Phrase 🚨 ======================================================Mnemonic Phrase:recall skirt derive occur mad system camera fringe mom list company search Please store the mnemonic phrase in a SAFE and SECURE place. This phrase is the KEY to recover your wallet. Losing it means losing access to your assets. ==================================================== Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/chainweaver-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet import --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --password-file="my-cw-pwd.txt" --legacy 

kadena wallet generate-key

Use kadena wallet generate-key to generate a new public and secret key pair from the 12-word mnemonic phrase for an existing wallet.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet generate-key command is:

kadena wallet generate-key [arguments] [flags]
kadena wallet generate-key [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet generate-key command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.
-n, --amount amountSpecify how many public and secret key pairs to generate. The default is one (1).
-i, --start-index startIndexSpecify an index to start generating keys at.
--password-file passwordFileSpecify the path to a file that stores the password for your wallet. If you don't have the password stored in a text file, you can enter it as standard input.
-a, --key-alias keyAliasSpecify an optional alias for the generated keys.


To generate one new public and private key pair for the sf-wallet, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="sf-wallet"
kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="sf-wallet"

This command prompts you for the wallet password, number of keys to generate, and a key alias. For example:

 Enter the wallet password: ********? Amount of keys to generate: 1? Alias for the generated key (optional): sf-1
 Enter the wallet password: ********? Amount of keys to generate: 1? Alias for the generated key (optional): sf-1

After you respond to the prompts, the command displays confirmation similar to the following:

 Keys generated successfullyPublic key                                                       Index9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5 1     Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --amount="1" --key-alias="sf-1" 
 Keys generated successfullyPublic key                                                       Index9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5 1     Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --amount="1" --key-alias="sf-1" 

To generate keys from a wallet using a password stored in a text file, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --amount="3" --key-alias="sf-3" --password-file=my-pwd
kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --amount="3" --key-alias="sf-3" --password-file=my-pwd

This command displays confirmation similar to the following:

 Keys generated successfullyPublic key                                                       Index14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0 2    c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919c 3    8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbcc 4     Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml
 Keys generated successfullyPublic key                                                       Index14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0 2    c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919c 3    8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbcc 4     Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml

To generate a key at a specific starting index, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --amount=1 --start-index=100 --key-alias=cw
kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --amount=1 --start-index=100 --key-alias=cw

This command prompts you for the wallet password, then displays confirmation similar to the following:

 Keys generated successfullyPublic key                                                       Index78d02f5d8981068333f5e06e428fba2e78fbe27d3075aeb3f3f7c6a0dec74cf2 100   Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/chainweaver-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --amount="1" --start-index="100" --key-alias="cw" 
 Keys generated successfullyPublic key                                                       Index78d02f5d8981068333f5e06e428fba2e78fbe27d3075aeb3f3f7c6a0dec74cf2 100   Wallet Storage Location.kadena/wallets/chainweaver-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet generate-key --wallet-name="chainweaver-wallet" --amount="1" --start-index="100" --key-alias="cw" 

kadena wallet change-password

Use kadena wallet change-password to change the password for an existing wallet.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet change-password command is:

kadena wallet change-password [arguments] [flags]
kadena wallet change-password [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet change-password command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.
--password-file passwordFileSpecify the path to a file that stores the current password for your wallet. If you don't have the password stored in a text file, you can enter it as standard input.
--new-password-file newPasswordFileSpecify the path to a file that stores the new password for your wallet. If you don't have the password stored in a text file, you can enter it as standard input.
-c, --confirmConfirm that you want to change the wallet password.


To change the password for your wallet interactively, run the following command:

kadena wallet change-password --wallet-name="mywalletname" --confirm
kadena wallet change-password --wallet-name="mywalletname" --confirm

This command prompts you to select a wallet, enter your current password, enter a new password, and confirm your changes. For example:

? Select a wallet: Wallet: my-chainweaver-wallet? Enter your current password: *******************? Enter the new wallet password: ********? Re-enter the password: ******** You are about to update the password for this wallet. If you lose your password the wallet can not be recovered. ? Do you wish to update your password? (Use arrow keys) Yes  No
? Select a wallet: Wallet: my-chainweaver-wallet? Enter your current password: *******************? Enter the new wallet password: ********? Re-enter the password: ******** You are about to update the password for this wallet. If you lose your password the wallet can not be recovered. ? Do you wish to update your password? (Use arrow keys) Yes  No

If you select Yes to change the wallet password, the command displays conformation of the change similar to the following:

Wallet password successfully updated.. Wallet location:  .kadena/wallets/my-chainweaver-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet change-password --wallet-name="my-chainweaver-wallet" --confirm 
Wallet password successfully updated.. Wallet location:  .kadena/wallets/my-chainweaver-wallet.yaml Executed:kadena wallet change-password --wallet-name="my-chainweaver-wallet" --confirm 

To change the password for your wallet using passwords stored in local files, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet change-password --wallet-name=my-chainweaver-wallet --password-file=my-pwd --new-password-file=my-cw-pwd.txt --confirm
kadena wallet change-password --wallet-name=my-chainweaver-wallet --password-file=my-pwd --new-password-file=my-cw-pwd.txt --confirm

kadena wallet delete

Use kadena wallet delete to delete an existing wallet.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet delete command is:

kadena wallet delete [argument] [flag]
kadena wallet delete [argument] [flag]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet delete command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.
-c, --confirmConfirm that you want to delete the specified wallet.


To delete wallets interactively, run the following command:

kadena wallet delete
kadena wallet delete

This command prompts you to select all wallets or a specific wallet and confirm that you want to delete the selected wallet.

To delete a single specific wallet deletion, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet delete --wallet-name=my-chainweaver-wallet --confirm
kadena wallet delete --wallet-name=my-chainweaver-wallet --confirm

This command displays conformation similar to the following:

The wallet: "my-chainweaver-wallet" and associated keys have been deleted.
The wallet: "my-chainweaver-wallet" and associated keys have been deleted.

To delete all wallets, run the following command:

kadena wallet delete --wallet-name=all --confirm

kadena wallet list

Use kadena wallet list to list information for an existing wallet or for all wallets.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet list command is:

kadena wallet list [argument] [flag]
kadena wallet list [argument] [flag]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet list command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.


To list information about a specific wallet, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet list --wallet-name=sf-wallet
kadena wallet list --wallet-name=sf-wallet

This command displays key information similar to the following:

Wallet: sf-walletAlias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     967ea530ad415376d94049a33a06985a5f4d559acdeee9cecccd882982d03ef1sf-1  1     9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5sf-3  2     14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0sf-3  3     c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919csf-3  4     8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbcc
Wallet: sf-walletAlias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     967ea530ad415376d94049a33a06985a5f4d559acdeee9cecccd882982d03ef1sf-1  1     9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5sf-3  2     14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0sf-3  3     c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919csf-3  4     8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbcc

To list information for all wallets and display the output in YAML format, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet list --wallet-name="all" --yaml
kadena wallet list --wallet-name="all" --yaml

This command displays information for all wallets similar to the following:

Wallet: chainweaver-wallet (legacy)Alias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     1b03e0f9b1f981f21484164e4d05febbb6f71fea34033f5d6a7f45c0ee9712afcw    100   78d02f5d8981068333f5e06e428fba2e78fbe27d3075aeb3f3f7c6a0dec74cf2 Wallet: pistolasAlias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     61cf22aa8f209b1a5549242601b4a217f034e3d931b6522ccb7743bf6c355546N/A   1     ad833b6bbfc72fb7d18b88cd5b4349f82b2f015be8e4b5e7ad28f3249fd5e105N/A   2     465f11d72de289719a4832a9e5cc6d0264be61b8254db769094f59f3b37b9d89 Wallet: sf-walletAlias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     967ea530ad415376d94049a33a06985a5f4d559acdeee9cecccd882982d03ef1sf-1  1     9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5sf-3  2     14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0sf-3  3     c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919csf-3  4     8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbccchainweaver-wallet:  alias: chainweaver-wallet  filepath: /Users/lisagunn/MY-KADENA/.kadena/wallets/chainweaver-wallet.yaml  version: 1  legacy: true  keys:    - publicKey: 1b03e0f9b1f981f21484164e4d05febbb6f71fea34033f5d6a7f45c0ee9712af      index: 0    - publicKey: 78d02f5d8981068333f5e06e428fba2e78fbe27d3075aeb3f3f7c6a0dec74cf2      index: 100      alias: cwpistolas:  alias: pistolas  filepath: /Users/lisagunn/MY-KADENA/.kadena/wallets/pistolas.yaml  version: 1  legacy: false  keys:    - publicKey: 61cf22aa8f209b1a5549242601b4a217f034e3d931b6522ccb7743bf6c355546      index: 0    - publicKey: ad833b6bbfc72fb7d18b88cd5b4349f82b2f015be8e4b5e7ad28f3249fd5e105      index: 1    - publicKey: 465f11d72de289719a4832a9e5cc6d0264be61b8254db769094f59f3b37b9d89      index: 2sf-wallet:  alias: sf-wallet  filepath: /Users/lisagunn/MY-KADENA/.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml  version: 1  legacy: false  keys:    - publicKey: 967ea530ad415376d94049a33a06985a5f4d559acdeee9cecccd882982d03ef1      index: 0    - publicKey: 9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5      index: 1      alias: sf-1    - publicKey: 14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0      index: 2      alias: sf-3    - publicKey: c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919c      index: 3      alias: sf-3    - publicKey: 8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbcc      index: 4      alias: sf-3
Wallet: chainweaver-wallet (legacy)Alias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     1b03e0f9b1f981f21484164e4d05febbb6f71fea34033f5d6a7f45c0ee9712afcw    100   78d02f5d8981068333f5e06e428fba2e78fbe27d3075aeb3f3f7c6a0dec74cf2 Wallet: pistolasAlias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     61cf22aa8f209b1a5549242601b4a217f034e3d931b6522ccb7743bf6c355546N/A   1     ad833b6bbfc72fb7d18b88cd5b4349f82b2f015be8e4b5e7ad28f3249fd5e105N/A   2     465f11d72de289719a4832a9e5cc6d0264be61b8254db769094f59f3b37b9d89 Wallet: sf-walletAlias Index Public key                                                      N/A   0     967ea530ad415376d94049a33a06985a5f4d559acdeee9cecccd882982d03ef1sf-1  1     9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5sf-3  2     14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0sf-3  3     c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919csf-3  4     8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbccchainweaver-wallet:  alias: chainweaver-wallet  filepath: /Users/lisagunn/MY-KADENA/.kadena/wallets/chainweaver-wallet.yaml  version: 1  legacy: true  keys:    - publicKey: 1b03e0f9b1f981f21484164e4d05febbb6f71fea34033f5d6a7f45c0ee9712af      index: 0    - publicKey: 78d02f5d8981068333f5e06e428fba2e78fbe27d3075aeb3f3f7c6a0dec74cf2      index: 100      alias: cwpistolas:  alias: pistolas  filepath: /Users/lisagunn/MY-KADENA/.kadena/wallets/pistolas.yaml  version: 1  legacy: false  keys:    - publicKey: 61cf22aa8f209b1a5549242601b4a217f034e3d931b6522ccb7743bf6c355546      index: 0    - publicKey: ad833b6bbfc72fb7d18b88cd5b4349f82b2f015be8e4b5e7ad28f3249fd5e105      index: 1    - publicKey: 465f11d72de289719a4832a9e5cc6d0264be61b8254db769094f59f3b37b9d89      index: 2sf-wallet:  alias: sf-wallet  filepath: /Users/lisagunn/MY-KADENA/.kadena/wallets/sf-wallet.yaml  version: 1  legacy: false  keys:    - publicKey: 967ea530ad415376d94049a33a06985a5f4d559acdeee9cecccd882982d03ef1      index: 0    - publicKey: 9de797dc0cb16c3eea4d26a5417b2e0c81ee8c1c1d7b358ebb6afaf6a3ca23a5      index: 1      alias: sf-1    - publicKey: 14de87a379114013a20bf4f00ec32c8a0ac3f64046cab80ac8062bc8319dc5e0      index: 2      alias: sf-3    - publicKey: c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919c      index: 3      alias: sf-3    - publicKey: 8eea71dbe7f13c11c1e4f796f1206639004e9b648abc57c1a1f32cc57464dbcc      index: 4      alias: sf-3

kadena wallet export

Use kadena wallet export to export a public and secret key pair from a wallet as unencrypted text. This command returns the exported keys to standard output (stdout) in YAML format by default.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena wallet export command is:

kadena wallet export [arguments] [flags]
kadena wallet export [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena wallet liexportst command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-w, --wallet-name walletNameSpecify the name of the wallet.
-i, --key-index keyIndexSpecify the index of the key you want to export.
--password-file passwordFileSpecify the path to a file that stores the password for your wallet. If you don't have the password stored in a text file, you can enter it as standard input.


To export key information for the sf-wallet key at index 3 in YAML format, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet export --wallet-name=sf-wallet --key-index=3
kadena wallet export --wallet-name=sf-wallet --key-index=3

This command prompts you for the wallet password, then displays the public and secret keys as unencrypted text. For example:

Warning: this will print the keypair unencrypted.publicKey: c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919csecretKey: 25b4a6b924c167cae4ee7d975c2b121ec5bb533a3b9578017d0784cd8547517a  Executed:kadena wallet export --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --key-index="3" 
Warning: this will print the keypair unencrypted.publicKey: c218080d0ffb4024070946ee25e38675e0408d6ea94c9a5fc937340d223b919csecretKey: 25b4a6b924c167cae4ee7d975c2b121ec5bb533a3b9578017d0784cd8547517a  Executed:kadena wallet export --wallet-name="sf-wallet" --key-index="3" 

To use the password stored in a local file and save the exported key to a file in JSON format, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena wallet export --wallet-name=sf-wallet --password-file=my-pwd --key-index=3 --json > mykey.json
kadena wallet export --wallet-name=sf-wallet --password-file=my-pwd --key-index=3 --json > mykey.json